Battle of Izium (3 III - 1 IV 2022) [WIKIPEDIA]

[AdSense-A] Bitwa o Izium On March 4, 2022, Russian convoy reached Izium. Fierce fighting was reported from the area, but Ukrainian forces repelled the attack and continue to hold on. On March 5, 2022 Russian forces pushed south of Balakliia to Izium, but were ambushed by Ukrainian 25th Airmobile Brigade. We assume Russian forces from Balakliia tried, and will try again, to push south and link up with Russian forces from the Southern frontline. On March 6-7, 2022, heavy fighting was reported around the town of Izium. Ukrainian forces successfully continue to hold the town. On March 8, 2022 wasifficult situation remains in Izium. Russian troops attempted to capture the town, but Ukrainian forces repulsed the attack. The town is without food, water, gas and heat. On night March 8/9, 2022 Russian troops captured northern part of Izyum town, all bridges over Siversky Donets blown up. On March 9, 2022 in Izium was caesefire due to evacuation people. Since March 10-13, 2022 shelling were renewed. On March 14, 2022 Russian forces crossed a river near Izium and captured Topolske and nearby villages. Ukrainian troops launched a counter-attack in the afternoon and regained control over the villages. On March 25, 2022, the Russians successfully broke through the Doniec River outside the city of Izium and approached Topolskie and Kamianka, south of Izium, on the way to Słowiańska; Initially, further progress was stopped by the Ukrainian army, but on March 28, 2022 the attack and shelling on these localities has been renewed, and the fighting continues, in Izium itself, the Russians have made some progress also in the southern part of the city, which is still defending itself, but if attack on Kamianka successful, the defending units in Izium are under siege. On April 1, 2022 Russian troops captured Izium town.

Opublikowane: 2 kwietnia, 2022 3:04 pm, ostatnia aktualizacja: 22 listopada, 2022 at 4:48 pm